The Grey Whale. We saw about six of them. If you click on the picture you can see it better.
Sea Lions. There everywhere. There is a small beach in la Jolla where you can stand right next to them almost.
Dolphins. I love Dolphins! Devin took the picture. He's not a fast picture taker. The Dolphins did jump out of the water but Devin missed it so this is the best picture I have. Devin also walked away with the camera and two Dolphins were jumping next to the boat then they swam off and popped there heads up out of the water like they were laughing. So I missed out on getting a photo of that. Next time were going to take two cameras or I will be the one to take the pictures. Its ok Honey I forgive you. lol
Wow! That looks like so much fun. I am jealous, the weather here is so cold. Your beach house is beautiful. I love the blue in the kitchen.
Nicole Holland
i'm glad you guys had fun! and thanks for a fun weekend. i didn't take any pics so i don't know what to blog!
oh it looks like you guys had a great trip! We miss you guys. I think next time yall go on a trip like this we need to fly and meet yall! Taht would be awesome!
Loev you guys!
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