Anyway, Little P is growing so fast his 6 month check up is coming up. I get so sad watching videos of him I can't believe how fast babies grow in such a short amount of time. He loves to talk, well its actually more like screaming but he thinks hes talking its hilarious. The sad thing is hes so sensitive to loud noises which I'm sure lots of babies are but if someone sneezes really loud he will start screaming and it takes a while to get him to calm down. Other then that hes a very happy boy! He loves to take baths. Every time the water turns on he starts to go crazy. He also rolls over all the time. We have to keep a close eye on him because if we turn are heads for a second hes all the way across the other end of the room. We are having so much fun with Little P. He is sure entertaining.
I wish I could say our New Year is starting out great but unfortunately its not. Tobi my dog has a Mass Cell Tumor grade 3. We already had a huge chunk of skin taken out of his neck luckily he has so much skin there that it wont be to noticeable. We have to take him to a specialist which I am not looking forward to. One thing about having dogs is the vet bills are outrageous and the fact that they dont live that long is really hard. I just hope the vet is honest with me if we put so much money into treatment will he get better. I know they probably can't determine that but it sure would be nice if they could. Were definitly not going to give up on him. He has been with us since Devin and I got married and we are for sure not ready to let him go.
Here are lots of random pictures of whats been going on since Thanksgiving. Enjoy!!
Little P's First Haircut
The power went out for two days from the snow storm. Here are pictures that we took at the hotel.
Us at the Temple lights
My sister Kim came to visit us. We had a lot of fun!
Some Christmas Pictures
Averys Birthday!! We bought him his cool green adidas that hes wearing. This was also Prestons first time at the park.